Community Projects

Over the many years LDI has always been a big supporter local comminties.  LDI has long been known for its generositly to local and national charities, garden clubs,  schools and libriaries and many other orginaizations:

Boston Minstrel Company
Babson College
Boston Park League
Dover PTO
Jack Devin Foundation

LDI's most recent projects include:

James Crockett Memeorial Garden at Elm Bank

The newest addition to the Elm Bank Horticultural center:

Towles Corner
In the Spring of 06 LDI Staff and many gathering neighbors took part in a  "Spring Clean Up"  of Towles Corner in Millis MA.  It was a productive day, with pruning, planting, and weeding. 

Jimmy Fund
Stockbridge School of Agriculture
Town of Dover Parks and Recreation
Town Of Dover Police Association
Town Of Medfield Police Association
Toys for Tots
UMASS Amherst
The Jim Crockett Memorial Garden, was dedicated in a formal ceremony on Saturday, June 11, 2005. Crockett, the famed first host of WGBH’s The Victory Garden and author of myriad books, fostered a true love of gardening with his “learn as you grow” approach. The garden features poppies from the Victory Garden’s Oriental Poppy colony and UMASS-Amherst Professor of 05.
Thomas Boyles’ new cultivar variety Boltonia asteroides,‘ Jim Crockett’ , which has small mauve daisy-shaped blooms and blue-green foliage. The hardscape is incorporated into a creative landscape design, and includes granite memorial benches with unique tributes and herringbone brick pathways.

Greg and Dennis Dowd of Landscape Development Inc donated there time and effort for design, planning and installation of the hardscape and softscape area's of the garden.  LDI employees and equipment worked tirelessly through some tough weather conditions along with other volunteers from the Stockbridge School, Alpha Tau Gamma Fraternity and the University Of Massachusetts Amherst to have the project completed by June