Seed and Sod Lawns
At Landscape Development Inc we believe in giving the costumer every option for all their landscape needs. A question to seed or sod is a very common questions and both have advantages and disadvantages. While most application we recommend a seeded lawn, however, there are situations that a sod lawn is a much better solution. Regardless of the decision to seed or sod, proper installation, and maintenance of the new lawn area will determine it's success or failure.
Sod Advantages
-Quick Establishment
-Stabilizes new soil
-Instant finish look
Sod Disadvantages
-Higher Initial Costs
-Initial high maintenance
-Lower quality turf
-More susceptible to drought, disease and insects.
Seed Advantages
-Lesser initial costs
-Higher quality turf
-Better drought tolerance
-Better disease resistance
-Better insect resistance
Seed Disadvatages
-Longer establishment
-Wash out
-Re seeding
-Seasonal installation